Western Union

Western Union

Money Transerfing Made Easy!

With over 400,000 locations worldwide millions of people trust Western Union to send their money.

It is quick, easy and reliable. It just makes sense! Our knowledgeable staff will help to make this a painless task for you.

Just bring in cash or a debit card to either of our friendly locations and we will help you send your wireless transfer today!

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Cost of Borrowing

British Columbia Resident Agreement

Maximum charges permitted in British Columbia for a payday loan: 15% of the principal

We charge: 15% of the principal

Maximum charges permitted in British Columbia for a payday loan: 15% of the principal
We charge: 15% of the principal

For a $300.00 loan for 14 days:

Total cost of borrowing = $45.00
Annual Percentage Rate = 391.07% per year.

This information meets the requirements of the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act.
License Number: 49756

Cost of Borrowing

British Columbia Resident Agreement

Maximum charges permitted in British Columbia for a payday loan: 15% of the principal

We charge: 15% of the principal

Maximum charges permitted in British Columbia for a payday loan: 15% of the principal
We charge: 15% of the principal

For a $300.00 loan for 14 days:

Total cost of borrowing = $45.00
Annual Percentage Rate = 391.07% per year.

This information meets the requirements of the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act.
License Number: 49756